Terrier Tunnels – the cosiest dog beds ever made!

A Terrier Tunnel is a dog bed designed with a cosy little pocket for your Terrier to burrow into and hunker down for a really cosy snooze.

Many Terrier breeds love to sleep tucked up all cosy and snug: Jack Russell Terriers, Fox Terriers, Border Terriers, English Toy Terriers, Boston Terriers, Bull Terriers, Manchester Terriers … the list goes on!

So why do Terriers love Terrier Tunnels?

The word Terrier comes from the French word ‘terre’ which in turn is derived from the Latin ‘terra’ (earth). Terrier type dogs were originally bred as feisty little working dogs to hunt and control small vermin including rats, rabbits, foxes and even badgers – both above and below ground hence their burrowing instinct.

In the recent past most Terrier type dogs have been bred and kept as companion dogs but nearly all have retained some of those natural terrier instincts – including burrowing and diving into snug little spaces which is why they love Terrier Tunnels.

Terrier Tunnels are also known as Snuggle Beds, Burrow Beds, Cave Beds and Dachsie Dives!


Terrier Tunnels are not just for Terriers

It’s not just Terriers that like to burrow, lots of dogs of Hound and Sighthound breeds in all shapes and sizes doo too, from Dachshunds to Hungarian Vizslas and Italian Greyhounds to Whippets! Find out more About Terrier Tunnels >